Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Productos Bona Vida Workshop

I thought that the presentation of Productos Bona Vida was a very eye opening experience, since I got the chance to really understand the process in which the MYB design cycle does help for the greater good, in this case of a brand/product. This was mainly since the speaker talked about how she started of from nothing, and out of an idea of something that she thought could have a good place in the market, she made it happen. Out of this, she then faced many problems, to which she found a way to solve each of them through many methods. Then she looked into the target population for her products, since they were at first targeted to children, but as she saw that there was a spark of interest from other consumers, she adjusted the products so that it would show as a product for everyone. She then started to create more and more products, that were all based upon ideas and solutions to problems of other products. This made it her way to solve problems with a benefit, through which she went through the whole process again, and the cycle repeated itself. This whole presentation helped me further understand the way the the cycle can affect businesses and brands in a positive way, since it is a way to show how, through a set of organized ideas and methods of solutions to problems and new products, you can go from nothing to holding up well in life.